Big Family Big Love | Oroville CA Family Photography

I met Jeremiah and Jen way back in high school, so far back I’d rather not say. Thanks to social media, I’ve been able to watch their family grow and play and I can tell you, they are such a great example of living life fully. These high school sweethearts have built such a strong family unit with their six children, and they have touched every single person they meet with a part of their story. A story that includes a lasting relationship, having children, fostering, adopting, homeschooling, sports, community, church, and love. These two are the best parents with a small gang of awesome children. 

Did you know even the best parents with the best kids still worry about behavior at a session?

The secrets out. It’s true.

Here is what Jen had to say after their session:

“I’m pretty sure my littles pulled about every shenanigan the day you did our pictures. I left there and could hardly even speak to’s true! When I did talk it was more small phrases like, “hope she can find a decent one in those pictures”, “hope she didn’t take pictures to document you guys swinging from the tree during the group shot you were supposed to be in”, “a cartwheel....why a cartwheel in the dirt?!?” We laugh about it now but mostly because we LOVE the pictures you captured! And also because in reality sometimes we are more like the Herdmans from the Best Christmas Pageant Ever than the Van Trapp Family from Sound of Music!!!”

Oh, kids. That’s just what they are, right? Kids. Not little adults. Not robots. Not trained monkeys. Kids.

Kids will do what kids will do, and usually when you least want them to do it. But did you know I had no idea anyone was even cartwheeling? I was focusing on different family members at the moment, so who’s to blame an energetic child from blowing off some steam? The “misbehaviors” that seemed so obvious to the parents weren’t even hitting my radar. And I wish soooo much I had seen the cartwheeling, because I would have documented it. Why? Because it’s real, and real is just as beautiful and more memorable than fake perfection.

So, you might be wondering…

How do I get good pictures when it feels like chaos? 

Patience in waiting for the right moment. Because those sweet picturesque moments do happen in the middle of chaos. 

Reasonable expectations. Knowing kids don’t always listen, but sometimes they do. And sometimes their ideas of having fun are even better than mine. 

Flexibility in how a session will flow. I always walk into a session with a plan, but I’m not afraid to make changes or completely throw the plan out the window if something isn’t working. 

I’m certainly not perfect and I’m not a miracle worker. I would be lying if I said I don’t get ruffled once in a while, but what ruffles me even more than wild kids is parents that let their children upset them. As a parent, it’s easy to get flustered or angry when our kids aren’t perfect angels. I have four of my own, I know first hand the stress of raising children.

What can you do as a parent to help the session go smoothly?

Try to remember that their childish antics are not a reflection of your skills as a parent. It’s just kids being kids. If you’re all sitting on a blanket ready to take a picture and your little boy is running around like a monkey, just keep sitting on that blanket. Snuggle your remaining family members, smile, BREATHE, and I’ll handle the monkey. It will all come together, I am sure of it.

I truly hope that your session turns into a memorable family experience, and I mean memorable in a good way. It will be much easier to convince your family to have pictures taken again if they have a good time.

For more help in how to have a successful, low-stress family session, you can read some of my tips here.

And for one of the most lively and fun family sessions ever, keep scrolling.

Extended Family Session | The P Family

Summer seems to be the time of year when many families plan reunions. Generations gather together and create the kind of memories that aren’t easily forgotten. Hopefully, someone is there capturing these memories, whether it’s Aunt June who always carries a camera, the phone that lives in everyone’s pocket, or maybe even someone you’ve hired to help capture the moments you’re living.

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